Thoughts on Vertex equipment.

One of the first things that strikes you about the Vertex range is that it is fantastic at controlling boom levels * – my 10.5 ft wide demo room with suspended floor can now work with unfeasibly large speakers even with 15 inch bass drivers thanks to Vertex.

I have loaned out all my Vertex gear to a customer for a 1 week trial period and the boom is back and unbearable forcing me to change back to mini-monitors!

I remember this being a big issue before discovering this brand.

(* Actually, the first thing that strikes most people trying the Vertex gear is the better image placement/separation and lower noise floor. But each system is different and my main issue had been boom levels and the need to demonstrate various speakers of all sizes. )

Vertex AQ

Manufacturers website:

With their renowned range of support platforms, mains leads, mains filters, distribution boxes, analogue/digital interconnects and speaker cables they offer a comprehensive strategy to get the very best from your system. A compelling argument can be made for the purchase of this range of products before the upgrading of ancillaries! Introduce them into a decent system in a systematic way and the benefits are vast. They tackle head-on the increasing problems of RFI (getting worse almost daily! ) and also microphony and vibration within components and from their external environment.

While many customers go for the Jaya filter as a quick fix to their mains problems, there is a logical order to proceed which includes starting with a Kinabalu support platform under the source component. By getting the supports right, the effects of their filters, mains leads, distribution block, interconnects and speaker leads all become more obvious.

They have produced a comprehensive guide book which discusses a hierarchical approach to these problems.
They are ingenious designs ranging from platforms which sink vibrations and energy from within a piece of equipment placed on them while blocking unwanted energy from outside getting in.

Mains filtration devices that work in parallel with the mains rather than in series and therefore avoid robbing equipment of its dynamics while minimising interference.

Interconnects and speaker cables with in-line boxes which ‘sink’ the vibrations from transformers and valves from travelling to the next component in the chain.

Steve at Vertex does an impressive demonstration where he scrapes the end of a conventional interconnect plug while you listen at the other end of the lead with a stethoscope. The rubbing and vibration is plain to hear whereas with a Vertex lead this unwanted interference is inaudible, clearly showing how conventional interconnects let electrical and mechanical vibrations pass along the component chain. Once auditioned in your system, the results prove that motors, valves and transformers produce mechanical noises which travel down the wires which link your system and are amplified like the music signal itself!

I admire the fact that they have formed a knowledge alliance between themselves, Nordost and Acuity to technically measure the effects of their products. There have been too many unknown facts about mechanical energy control up till now. With their Aerospace and military background, Vertex have proved they have the experience to put together a cohesive solution.

In sonic terms, there is a greater background silence and more space and accuracy in the placement of instruments. A once boomy bass becomes focused and followable, a bright top end gains refinement and definition.

The latest Hi-Fi equipment tends to be very detailed and dynamic and Vertex kit can really help control these greater energy demands.

I like the fact that Vertex solutions can bring the best out of any philosophy; valve designs becoming tighter and more focused, solid-state sweeter with better tone. This is proof in itself that it does what it claims.