Name: Doug Haddow
Occupation: Artist
As a somewhat disillusioned Hi-Fi enthusiast, after years of spending money on “5 star equipment” which didn`t perform up to scratch , discovering Audioflair has been a godsend to me, and, I`m sure, also to any other “lost souls” out there trying to get good, honest advice. Your help over the past few years on a variety of Hi-Fi equipment has been invaluable, and my system is now far closer to that which I always desired to own.
The valve upgrade on my Croft pre amp was magic, and at a very fair price (Audiofair price?– Ok maybe not). It made a major improvement in performance, the first of many to follow. Speakers, power amp, cables, all have been spot on, The opportunity to try things out, at home, on ones own system, is an obvious benificial, personal touch, not always available, or welcomed, by larger companies. So, thanks, and keep on doing what you do.